Mind the gap

Mind the Gap

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Author:  Mairi McHaffie As we head deeper into digitalizing our world, developing your personal impact skills is more important than ever before. We’re becoming more reliant on how we present ourselves online than in real life. People who…

Unlocking your potential

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Through Coaching Squared peer-to-peer coaching Author: Martyn Loukes This week I celebrated 30 years of being an out gay man. In 1987 growing up gay in the suburbs was a relatively brave thing to do; the age of consent for gay men was 21 and…

Am I biased? Surely not…

Author: Kåre Sivertsen, Training Specialist & Managing Director at SceneChange Creative Consultants As a rational human being, I am pretty certain I make most of my decisions based on fact, logic and reason. How is it that research suggests…