#BreakTheBias & Celebrate International Women’s Day 2022
Blogs, Career development, Diversity in Leadership, Homepage, Women in Leadership, Women Returners, Workplace
Mairi McHaffie speaking about influencing skills
Career development, Training, Women in Leadership, Women Returners
Krystal Roxx interviews Mairi McHaffie on her Radio Show 'Superfoxx', Soho Radio, London.
This is Mairi McHaffie, founder of Scene Change Creative Consultants, a career development company, speaking with Krystal Roxx on Superfoxx. Mairi…

How to encourage and inspire female talent?
Career development, Mentoring, Women in Leadership, Women Returners, WorkplaceIt takes confidence and real guts to aim higher than we are often expected to do, to go beyond social, cultural, educational and self-limiting beliefs to achieve the best for ourselves. Girls, in particular, are often quashed at an early age…